Qscan Version History (Part 9)
#357 - Import service no longer sends constant suspension emails
#360 - Discrepency between document numbers during scanning and exporting resolved. See new feature about deleting first pages.
#361 - See #360
#362 - Batch browser only shown on resetting docking layout if exterprise edition
#363 - Added a delay to allow batch deletion progress bar to show before starting delete
New Features
+ Deleting a first page will now automatically stop it being a first page. Where relevant a choice of merging or making the next page a first page will be given.
+ Added option to disable record validation when indexing (In Indexing menu in Qscan)
08-02-2013 Bug Fixes
#342 - Fixed crash when minimising Qscan Enterprise with export error list visible
#344 - Fixed imaging controls licencing issue with export server
#345 - Refreshing in Manager now refreshes properly
#346 - Fixed exception when a testing a network image store with insufficient permissions
#347 - Fixed bug in export errors browser where if double clicking an error with no specific page number that wasn't the first document it didn't move to it
New Features
+ Added an index column to export error browser. This is the index of the message within all the messages (not just errors)
+ Added ability to sort by error index or document/page number. Click column header to sort/reverse sort order
+ Batch browser is refreshed after export
07-02-2013 Database Version 10 Bug Fixes
#340 - Fixed DB issue with standalone version
#### - Import service was still processing inactive projects
#### - Import and export service errors were being logged to the Qscan log
#### - Export service crashed if failure occurred before export checks were started, i.e. export plugin missing
#341 - Added missing database field ExportQueue.Status
New Features
+ Implemented 'Validate Indexing' menu option in Qscan - validates current record
+ Implemented 'Refresh All Lists' menu option in Qscan (rereads values from DB)
+ Batch Browser in Enterprise version
+ Export Errors Browser for fixing export errors
+ Enterprise version of Qscan now available
+ Record browser disabled during scanning
04-02-2013 Database Verion 9 New Features
+ Added notifications for import service configs
+ Add the ability to view export and import service error logs from the log viewer
+ Added licence management to Manager to handle licensing of additional modules
+ QScan Export service now available. It supports up to 3 concurrent exports.
+ Added Qscan Export Service logs
+ Added export queue management in manager (can view, remove or requeue)
+ Added completed export viewing to manager (including full export log)
31-01-2013 Database Version 7/8 Bug Fixes
#### - All projects are now assigned Scan and Export tasks by default (is required now batch locking is implemented
#### - Qscan2 project importer now successfully imports batches with barcodes set to "Search for all available barcode types"
#333 - Resolved issue preventing correct exporting of page level fields
#336 - Batch now deleted properly by export if import records exist
#337 - Allows duplicate names for custom strings if in different projects
New Features
+ SMTP Configuration in global settings in Manager.
+ Extended the automatic database upgrader to be able to apply content updates independent of version. This was needed for DB v7
+ Batch locks have now been implemented which prevents the same batch being edited on multiple machines at the same time.
Whilst this is used in the basic versions of Qscan, it should be transparent and is primarily for the enterprise version.
+ Sample Project Importing - In the project importer, there is now an option to import sample projects.
+ Extended automatic database upgrader to be able to drop feilds (needed for DB v7)
+ Added support for queueing exports
+ Added option in import service projects to automatically export on import
+ Export logs now saved to DB unless deleted by export
+ Added single page TIFF content to custom export
+ Scan Settings always displayed for new batch
+ Indexing always displayed after scanning and failed export
+ Custom Bookmarking Dart Export (BMI)
+ Qscan Import Service now available
+ Added Qscan Import Service logs
24-01-2013 Database Version 6 Bug Fixes
#329 - Fixed issue where text field mask was applied to a blank non mandatory field on export
#330 - Fixed issue where text file data sources could no longer be edited
#### - Fixed issue where batch couldn't be deleted if it had some imported file data
#### - Updated Qscan3 importer to include some new properties and fixed issues with IDs
#### - Fixed issue where project couldn't be deleted if some new features were in use
#### - Updated serialisation of project in system log to include some new properties
#### - Fixed issue where data sources couldn't be deleted
New Features
+ Added configuration for export service to Manager
+ Added system logging for Data Sources
Bug Fixes
#327 - Now correctly checks for existence of Indexes in DBUpgrader of standalone version
22-01-2013 Database Version 5 Bug Fixes
#325 - Added missing fields, indexes and keys in DB5 update
#326 - Fixed issue with basic export where some UNC paths would cause it to fail
New Features
+ Added Lookup Sources to Data Sources configuration
+ Added database lookup functionality to text fields. Configuration is via an additional section in the field setup dialog.
+ Added readonly fields (check box in field setup).
18-01-2013 Database Version 4 Bug Fixes
#### - Cleared index field are now being saved in all circumstances
#### - Scanner selection dialog indicates selected interface (scanners/importers) when first displayed
#272 - Batch scan date is now processed correctly in custom strings
#287 - Optional document count confirmation before export. Option in 'Options' section in export config.
#301 - Barcode recognition enabled in file importers
#302 - New feature allows saving of imported file information and usage within custom strings
#304 - Basic export now fails if it can't create output folder
#305 - Screens using the Advanced Tracker control now render correctly when themes not enabled in Windows XP
#307 - Fixed issue where batch didn't delete in certain situations
#308 - See #310 - Fixed
#309 - Fixed refresh issue on record browser when scanning inserts
#310 - Fixed issue where performing 'Rescan Current' caused all subsequent scanning operations to fail.
#311 - Index display is now refreshed after Rescan Current
#312 - Fixed issue where the scan process was losing the source side information
#313 - Next/Previous document shortcuts now work
#314 - Toggle first page no longer errors on an empty batch
#316 - Removed Project-level field option
#317 - Text field restrictions are now checked on export, so can't be by-passed when using barcodes
#318 - Symbology drop down wider in barcode config screen
#319 - Fixed issue with barcode config screen resizing
#321 - Barcodes not on the first page of the document are now saved.
#322 - Scanning multiple inserts now places in correct order
New Features
+ Added desktop icon in installer
+ Added splash screen
+ The continue scanning prompt when the feeder is empty is now configurable per user in the scanning menu of Qscan
+ DB Updater now adds new data (needed for DB V3)
+ DB Updater now adds new tables, primary keys, indexed and foreign keys (needed for DB V4)
+ Favourite Projects in project selection. Right-click to Add or remove from favourites.
Project Group selection has also been changed slightly, so that to go back to group level from projects, you select the first item in the projects list '(Change Project Group)'
+ Added Import Service configuration to Manager. Allows you to specify automatic unattended importing from folders.
+ Filescanner now saves imported file info, which can be accessed in custom strings.
+ Docking layout and record browser options are now saved as Base64 in usersettings.
08-01-2013 Bug Fixes
#299 - Cannot change name of global custom string outside of global configuration in manager
#300 - Fixed exception when changing project when indexing panel focused
#### - Was incorrectly importing certain Dart2 Path strings
New Features
+ Will automatically update database schema when needed by a software update.
04-01-2013 Database Version 3 Bug Fixes
#226 - Plumtree.PDF is no longer duplicated in the plugins folder
#275 - Can no longer edit global custom strings from export configs (although renaming is still allowed)
#290 - Cancelling project selection will return to previous project if there was one, otherwise it will exit
#293 - Saves changes to root export path in custom exports
#294 - Content in root of custom export now saved
#295 - File exports now imported by Dart2 importer (except XML, BLF and Text output)
#297 - Barcode rules can now be set to ignore to allow for excluding certain barcodes
#298 - The ignore rules will be matched unlimited times even when 'Continue to next rule if matched' is set
New Features
+ Combination barcode symbologies now supported by Qscan 2 importer
+ Batches using an external script will now be imported by the Qscan 2 importer.
NOTE: Additional configuration will be required. See 'Converting Qscan2 Scripts' document.
+ Now imports FILE external connections in Dart2 importer (except XML, BLF and Text output)
+ Global custom strings can now only be edited through the configuration section in manager, although they can be renamed elsewhere
+ When editing a global custom string, a globe icon is overlaid on the standard icon on the dialog
+ Added some global custom strings in the sample data SQL script (Current Dat, Current Time, Current Date & Time, Current PC Name, Current Windows User)
02-01-2013 Bug Fixes
#280 - Fixed date format for [SQL_DATE] and [SQL_DATETIME] in Qscan2 importer
#282 - Added warning when unable to write export log to My Documents folder in Dart export, no longer errors
#272 - Fixed issue with using Batch Scan Date in custom string
19-12-2012b Bug Fixes
#### - Prevents Null replaces on custom strings
#### - Fixed infinite loop in Custom Exports under certain conditions
19-12-2012 Bug Fixes
#279 - Fixed length documents with a length of 1 now work
Bug Fixes
#239 - Made change to how QA toolbox is displayed
18-Dec-2012 Database Version 2 Bug fixes
#273 - Can configure barcode detection settings for projects
#274 - Not all fields are marked as mandatory on Qscan2 import
#277 - Inserts '/' on Dart2 external connection import server name for Dart2 if needed
14-Dec-2012 Bug Fixes
#271 - Fixed exception related to Toggle Patch support on Kodak i1400, i600, i700 and i800 scanners
Bug Fixes
#267 - Length and Virtual Length checks now work in indexing
#268 - Images are now marked as Good when undeleted (except for Enterprise version)
13-Dec-2012b Bug Fixes
#265 - Can now hide/show fields
#266 - Imported Dart2 fields are shown by default
13-Dec-2012 Bug Fixes
#242 - Fixed issue with selecting some scanners
#248 - Added DBCommandTimeout setting in Plumtree.Qscan.Managers.dll.config
- *** This is NOT supported using SQL Server CE in the standalone version
#257 - Basic Export default folder changed to My Documents
#259 - Custom strings from other projects are no longer listed in Dart2/3 export configs
#260 - Text field validation options fixed
#261 - Imported Dart2 config server now includes DartService.asmx
#262 - Redundant WorkArea removed from path in imported Dart2 config
#264 - Dropdown fields imported correctly from Dart2
12-Dec-2012 Bug Fixes
#242 - Now lists all installed scanners (not just those it thinks are connected)
#254 - Number field options are now configurable in field setup
#255 - Close on Image Layout dialog now closes dialog
10-Dec-2012 Bug Fixes
#### - Now formatting display values for dates in indexing
#245 - Now allows SQL list sources where the display field and value field are the same
#246 - List field now defaults to <Not Indexed> in indexing view
#247 - No longer crashes when selecting data source type
#249 - List values saved correctly
#251 - List values uploaded correctly
New Features
+ Added Text File data source
+ Added proper dialog for list source sample
07-Dec-2012 Bug Fixes
#244 - List field no longer disabled after scanning
05-Dec-2012 Bug Fixes
#240 - Can now rename project groups with blank descriptions
#241 - Now works with SQL Server 2005
#243 - Correctly selects image after image layout change
#243 - No longer crashes if QA performed when no image selected
04-Dec-2012 Bug Fixes
#### - Dart2 Importer
a) Added support for Interleaved 2 of 5 barcode
b) Added extra message to state which batch is being imported
c) Fixed issue where if the same system field was used twice within the same project/batch, it wasn't imported
d) Fixed support for 'All supported symbologies' barcode type
e) Added support for more of the available barcode types
New Features
+ Barcode configuration - added support for any, any 1d and any 2d for the barcode symbology
30-Nov-2012 Database Update Required. Bug Fixes
#231 - Qscan runs after valid licence entered
#233 - Permissions on 'ProgramData\The Plumtree Group' folder resolved. *** Need to delete folder before running.
#234 - Licence removed on uninstall
#235 - Debug message boxes removed from install
#236 - Dart2 export checks for blank filenames
#238 - Column alignment in barcode config fixed
New Features
+ System Log
a) Supports actions on Projects
+ Installs
a) Standard installer now allows entry of username and password for DB if required
b) Standalone installer optionally removes database on uninstall
c) Licence removed on uninstall (Bug #234)
23-Nov-2012 Database Update Required. Bug Fixes
#### - Dartv2 Importer: Added support for Codabar barcode
#### - Dartv2 Importer: Added support for Rotation and Deskew Filters
#227 - Crash when editing barcode config
#203 - Added mandatory check for meta info field data in Dartv2 export
#### - ProcessID not logged when logging exceptions
#### - Field alignment when using multivalue or date fields is fixed
New Features
+ Log Viewer - Added Refresh option
+ Standard Qscan setup prompts for the SQL Server name and database name
+ Automatically add correct file extension for documents in dart 2 & 3 exports if not already specified in the config
+ BasicExport - Can configure folder and image format
+ Indexing - Date dropdown selector for date fields
+ System Log - Logs all system activity, currently only logging ProjectGroup changes, more to come soon
+ Export Config - Asks for confirmation on delete
20-Nov-2012 Bug Fixes
#### - CustomExport: PDF append wasn't working
#### - CustomExport: ExportField-Relative Path wasn't working
#### - All working files are now cleaned up properly
#### - QuickPDF library is now correctly pckaged in the setups
#214 - Indexing is saved and the UI is refreshed when indexing the last record/document of a batch
#221 - Validation is now performed for CustomExport configuration
#222 - Manual indexing fields supported in DartQscan2 importer
#223 - Display now refreshed after renaming export config in Manager
#224 - Duplicate export config names are no longer allowed
#225 - QuickPDF library now licensed with valid Plumtree licence
New Features
+ All Exports - Nothing is copied to the output folder until it is all generated
+ CustomExport - Select PDF encryption algorithm
+ CustomExport - Clear existing contents option for folder
+ CustomExport - Audit Trail content added
+ CustomExport - Multipage PDF content now has bookmark options
16-Nov-2012 Bug Fixes
#198 - Section not initially indicated in cleanup config
#217 - Section not indicated in custom string formatting
#218 - No formatting in custom strings in parts of CustomExport
#219 - Remove folder in CustomExport doesn't work
#220 - Blank filenames in CustomExport
New Features
+ Drag and drop added to CustomExport
+ Added Export Field: Document Page Index
+ CustomExport: Content Ordering - specify order that content is created
14-Nov-2012 Bug Fixes
#213 - Batch indexing not displaying after export
#215 - Beeping in indexing
New Features
+ Additional categories allowed in custom string editor (specifically for 'Export Fields' in custom export)
+ Offsets for numerical custom string components
+ Custom export
a) Folder creation
b) Multipage TIFF export
c) Multipage PDF export
d) Custom Text export
01-Nov-2012 Bug Fixes
#208 - Support for importing 'Import' Qscan2 projects
#212 - Support for [USER] system var in Qscan2 importer
New Features
+ Added version history to setup
31-Oct-2012 Bugs Fixes
#189 - Support for [SQL_DATETIME] in Dart2 importer
#195 - Custom Strings for title and description in record browser
#196 - Allow key mapping for toggle first page and clear record
#197 - Barcode config window section highlight
#198 - Image cleanup config window section highlight
#199 - Remove 'Export' option from project context menu
#201 - Remove 'Edit Database Connection' from standalone install
#204 - Bug with root arrow on breadcrumb control in manager
#205 - Refresh issue in log viewer
#206 - If no scanner selected when try action, prompted to select scanner
#209 - If dart2 importer fails, then will crash second time